Artist Alley
Bewhiskered 2022: Artist Alley Rules and Policies
The Artist Alley will operate as first come, first served until all tables are filled at which point a waitlist will be utilized. All tables are free, however there are many requirements and restrictions to their use and what kind of business can be conducted at them. The Artist Alley will be operated by the Dealer Relations staff. The below are the rules and policies that govern the use of the Artist Alley tables.
All members that utilize a table in this area are considered an “Artist” according to the below and are held to the rules and policies found here. Ignorance of these rules, policies, and consequences is not a valid excuse and will not result in any leniency. Any violation of the below rules and policies will be handled according to the Penalties section below at the discretion of Dealer Relations staff.
Table of Contents:
Getting an Artist Alley table:
Artist Alley tables will be allocated through two methods and a sign-in process as detailed here.
Method 1: Advanced Reservations
This year at Bewhiskered we will be introducing a Reservation system for Artist Alley tables. We will be allocating a portion of the available tables to these reservations and working to schedule artists at them before the convention begins.
- Form closes October 7th, or as soon as all reservation slots are filled and confirmed
- Notifications of reservations will be going out as soon as they are selected but no later than October 17th.
- Applicants for a reservation MUST already be registered for the convention!
- An NC Tax ID is required, but doesn't have to be filled in on the form. It will be required by October 7th to hold the reservation.
Our staff will attempt to grant a minimum of ONE of these day/time slots, and may grant more as the schedule allows within those preferences selected. If there is not a reservation for the following slot at that table and there is no wait-list for walk-ups, the Artist may retain the table for the following slot.
Method 2: Walk-Up
The remaining tables not part of the Reservation system will be allocated specifically to service Artists who appear at the sign-in location without a reservation (a “Walk-Up”). Additionally as specified in the rules below, an abandoned Reservation table may also be allocated to a Walk-Up as they become available. Walk-Ups will have possession of the table for the remainder of the time period in which they are granted it according to the schedule below.
BOTH Reservation and Walk-Up artists must sign-in before obtaining an Artist Alley table. This sign in station will be located either at the Con-Store or at a clearly marked Artist Alley table at the entrance to the area. (When in doubt, ask at the Con-Store.)
Artists must provide their convention badge number, agree to the posted Rules and Policies (which will originate from this page but may be updated), and will need to specify their NC DOR ID number if they are selling taxable goods (See the TAXES section below).
The artist will then be provided a table number or physical token showing their table number that they have been allocated and can set up at.
Wait-List Process:
In the event that all Artist Alley tables are full, or are reserved and have not been released yet to walk-up use, a Wait-List will be utilized. This Wait-List will require the same information as the Sign-In above as well as a form of contact that our staff may use to notify the Artist to inform them that a table has become available.
Please make sure you are able to receive this notification as a Wait-List Artist only has 15 minutes to sign-in and obtain the table or it will go to the next on the list. If you will be unable to use the table at that time, please let us know ASAP so the table may become available to someone else.
In the event a table becomes available to the wait-list within the last hour of a specified time slot, we will make our best effort to extend the Artist into the next time slot as well.
Artist Alley Schedule and Layout
Friday :
General Rules
MEMBERSHIP: Artist Alley tables are restricted to use by current members in good standing. This basically means the artist must have a valid convention badge that was issued to them directly by the registration team and can be verified against their government issued photo ID and that has not caused issues in the Dealer Den or Artist Alley previously, been flagged by security as banned, or otherwise restricted from vending at our events. Further, Dealers are not allowed to also hold an Artist Alley table. An exception is made for Dealer Assistants selling their own artworks and crafts pursuant to all rules found here.
SALES: Sales are only permitted in the Artist Alley at a registered table by the Artist who’s signed-in.
SIGN IN: All Artists must sign in, to occupy space at the artists alley. In order to do this, go to the first Artist Alley table or the Con-Store. The Sign-in station will be located at either of these locations and will be clearly marked.
NOTE: If you have reserved an Artist Alley table in advance, you must still sign-in at this location to obtain your table.
TAXES: Artists are required to comply with all state and federal tax law. Therefore All artists selling taxable goods will need a valid Certificate of Registration from the North Carolina Department of Revenue. It is the responsibility of the Artist to determine if their goods are taxable and to comply with tax regulations. IF an artist is selling taxable goods, they must obtain this certificate before the convention and display it prominently on the Artist Alley table as per NC General Statute § 66-255. They must also record the ID number from the certificate at the Artist sign-in. This number will be referred to as the NC DOR ID Number. Not having this ID Number and selling taxable goods may result in losing access to vending in the Artist Alley or other penalties.
SIGN OUT and INSPECTION: Artists must sign out of the alley when finished. Before signing out, please make sure to clear the section of all personal items and trash. Artists are responsible for anything left on, under, or behind their table section. After sign out, a table inspection may be made by staff to ensure it has been cleared off appropriately. A clean table is appreciated! Leaving a mess may result in being barred from the Artist Alley in the future. Failing to sign out properly will result in penalties.
ITEMS SOLD: The purpose of the Artist Alley is to allow art and artists to flourish in our community. Therefore, artists must have the capability to, and be actively engaged in producing original artwork or crafts while using the artist alley. The sale of art prints, pre-made crafts, and some merchandise is allowed within the Artist Alley, but is should be no more than approximately 20% of the business conducted at the Artist’s table. Gauging this will be at the discretion of the Dealer Relations staff. Further details on what can and cannot be sold can be found in the “Rules Specific to Works” section. Content of such works and how they are displayed must follow the limitations and instructions within the “Ratings & Minors” section.
ATTENDANCE: Artists must be at their table in order to retain it. Artists may take short breaks to go get food, use the bathroom, or other such errands, but in order to retain the table they must maintain a consistent presence. Dealer Relations staff will be keeping an eye on this. Leaving the table unattended for any significant period, or having someone else sit in who’s badge does not match the sign-in sheet (without first alerting Dealer Relations staff) may result in penalties.
TABLE SPACE AND DISPLAYS: Artists are allotted half of an Artist Alley table, making a usable space of approximately 48” (width) by 18” (depth) with a maximum height of 20” above the table surface for displays and merchandise. Make sure that these displays can be seen over while sitting and are not a danger to falling off of the table (Keep in mind the table depth limitation and how that will impact a displayed item’s stability).
Please keep in mind that any displays that encroach on neighbors’ spaces, or occupy any space in front, or beside the table, will be asked to be removed. Because of the limited space and for emergency egress, all items must be able to fit within this space on the table or under the table. There will be no space behind the artist for displays or inventory and the alleys and throughways must remain clear. Each Artist table seciton is allocated one chair behind the table. No additional chairs may be brought behind or beside the table. No additional attendees may sit behind or between the tables. Artists may display a banner or artwork down the front of their table, so long as it doesn’t interfere with attendee movement and is secured from falling off. No crafts or table displays may interfere with the prominent display of the NC DOR ID number (as per the requirements within the TAXES section above).
ELECTRICAL: The Artist Alley does not offer electrical connections. There may be outlets in the area, however Artists are not allowed to connect to them. As this could affect the relationship with our hotel or poses a risk to overloading circuits used elsewhere. For this reason, connecting to an outlet in the artist alley may result in severe penalties. A laminator will be available for use and laminating pouches will be for-sale at the Con-Store should an artist need one. Con staff will not be operating the laminator. Using the laminator is “At your own risk.” NCAS will not be held responsible for damaged artworks.
NOISE and LIGHTS: Loud noise is prohibited in the artist alley. The artist alley is located in the main traveling halls of the convention. Music must be kept low enough that a normal volume conversation can be heard over it easily. We suggest use of headphones if you like to listen to music while working on art. Flashing light and distracting displays may not be used. Staff may issue a warning if we notice such distracting noise or lights, or receive a complaint. Repeated occurrences will result in penalties.
Rules Specific to Works
Only works created by the Artist present may be sold. The Artist Alley is not a free alternative to the Dealers Den. Artworks and crafts do not have to be furry specific or related, however, this is a furry themed convention. If the Artist has no furry related work offered for sale, staff reserves the right to terminate the Artist’s possession of the table in favor of another artist who is selling works that will interest the convention attendees.
ACCEPTABLE WORKS: The artist alley is a free space, made so those new to the fandom can learn the ropes! Because of this, the focus of the Artist Alley is on those that are actively producing artwork. Therefore the below are a list of items that we prefer to see sold at the Artist Alley.
Original artwork: Artwork may be produced before, or during the convention by the artist sitting at the table. This includes sketchbook commissions.
Prints: Prints of original work by the artist that the artist has printed themselves may be displayed and sold.
Small Hand Crafts and Merchandise: Buttons, artist produced stickers, pins, lanyards, small table swag, magnets and other small items that the Artist has made themselves or is the primary creator behind their design may be displayed and sold. Please be aware though that this should NOT be the primary business that the Artist conducts within this space. If this is the majority of what you sell then you should instead apply for our Dealer Den.
Portfolios of work: Portfolios of work are considered any medium which contains multiple artwork pieces for sale as a set. (Examples may be but are not limited to CDs, DVDs, Thumb Drives, etc…) These items are allowed to be sold only if the Portfolio is limited to works created by the artist. Keep in mind that all displayed artwork is subject to the terms of the Ratings & Minors section and should also not be the majority of business conducted at an Artist Alley table.
NON-ACCEPTABLE WORKS: The following are items which are restricted from being sold within the Artist Alley. Each exists on this list for good reason so exceptions may not be made. If you are interested in selling items that fall under this list, ask one of our staff about how to become a Dealer at future NCAS events or to enquire as to why we have the below restrictions.
Fursuit and costuming parts: This includes head, tails, paws, armor, parts, consumables, related accessories, and tools.
Consumables: Food and drink may NOT be sold at the artist alley.
Trademarked intellectual property: While an artist may have obtained licensing to produce and sell intellectual property owned by someone else, such sales are limited to the Dealer Den. All works produced and sold by the artist must be created by that artist. In short: if a company holds the trademark or copyright to a work, it is not allowed to be sold here.
Generally if it could be mistaken as official artwork or products that someone else owns the rights to, don't sell it. -
Oversized Products: Works and products which are too large for the allotted display area.
Ratings & Minors
The Artist Alley is located in a commonly accessible convention space. Because of this, all displayed artwork must be appropriate for public viewing. This includes crafted items as well. It is the artist's responsibility to make sure they are not soliciting nor selling any adult works to minors. Convention badges will clearly display MINOR. An example of this can be found at the Con-Store for dealer and artist reference. Any artist found to be selling adult themed artwork or crafts to a minor will be ejected from the convention. This is not negotiable and cannot be appealed at the event where the ejection occurs. Further the artist will not be allowed to vend at future NCAS events, and may be subject to a full membership ban to attend future events at the discretion of the NCAS board of directors. Artists must keep all adult works within a closed binder or similarly blocked from view when not being viewed by an adult. Additionally, all artwork within the binder or crafts behind cover must be censored. The exception to this policy is when adult artwork is actively being created. The responsibility for how to keep the work discreet is up to the artist but it must not be visible to any minor that may approach or pass the table. Be aware of who is at your table to prevent purposeful viewing of adult works by minors. Underaged artists must be accompanied by a parent/guardian at all times or have discussed things with the artist alley staff beforehand. It is up to artist alley staff what is and isn’t allowed in the alley. Please be aware that they may ask to remove artwork or crafts from the space, even if you may think it’s acceptable.
Penalties & Appeals
The Dealer Relations staff reserves all rights of interpretation of these rules and policies. Failing to follow these rules and policies may result in penalties ranging from a warning, loss of access to the Artist Alley table, and may extend as far as ejection from the convention and a recommendation to the NCAS board of directors for a full membership ban. Most commonly staff will give warnings and make requests to alter what is featured at the table to comply with these rules, but may escalate to ejection from the Artist Alley at any time without obtaining further approval from convention leadership. In the event of an ejection from the Artist Alley, staff may also elect to block the artist from vending at future NCAS events. Staff will inform the artist at the time of the ejection from the Artist Alley in person or later via the email that was used by the Artist for convention registration or Artist Alley Advanced Reservation. Such a block may be appealed by emailing Dealer-Relations@BewhiskeredCon.org. (Please make sure to include all relevant details and evidence along with your badge information.) In the event of an ejection from the convention, notice and options for appeal will be communicated by security or leadership staff at the time of the ejection. In the event of a full membership ban, such details will be communicated via the email that was used by the Artist for convention registration and will include appeal options.
If there are any questions you may contact Dealer-Relations@BewhiskeredCon.org and we will respond as quickly as possible.
Errata and Updates
Note that this page is subject to change. Please check back here to see any updates we make!
Changes and Updates will be logged here for convenience and clarity. However, we cannot guarantee all changes will be logged accurately.
7.12.2022 - Artist Alley Rules and Policies page initial posting.
9.26.2022 - Map & Hours added.